MedCruise participates in the Sustainable Cruise Project 3rd meeting



On October 15th and 16th MedCruise participated in the 3rd meeting of the Sustainable Cruise project which took place in Genoa.

The meeting took place the first day on board of the Costa Pacifica in the Port of Savona and the second day at Costa’s headquarters in Genoa. The Costa Pacifica is the pilot ship that will be collecting data of some selected ports in order to evaluate their waste facilities.

During the meeting MedCruise presented to the rest of the team its preliminary report which showed the results of a global research on best practices and started defining the guidelines for the next phase. The next phase consists on the creation of a database and mapping of ashore waste streams facilities at MedCruise’s member ports. This will allow an efficient decision making to all ships sailing in the area and it will prevent from discharges of such regulated garbage streams.



The Sustainable Cruise Project partners share their notes on the state of the progress of the project on board of Costa Pacifica.