Minister Daryanani welcomes Celebrity Apex in inaugural call


The Hon Vijay Daryanani MP welcomed the Celebrity Apex cruise ship on its inaugural visit to Gibraltar last week.

Celebrity Apex is operated by Celebrity Cruises and is the second vessel of the company’s Edgeclass ships. This vessel can carry up to 2,900 passengers and 1,320 crew members.

Celebrity Apex arrived at the Gibraltar Port at 0700hrs and departed later on that day at 1700hrs to its next port of call in Cartagena, Spain.

Minister Daryanani and Captain Panagiotis Skylogiannis engaged in the traditional exchange of plaques at the Gibraltar cruise terminal.

The Hon Vijay Daryanani MP said “As usual, it is always a pleasure to welcome an inaugural cruise call to Gibraltar. This is a sign of our success, a sign of the hard work we are doing to attract new ships to Gibraltar and a sign of the popularity of our port. This is our SIXTEENTH inaugural call this year, that is a remarkable figure. These things do not happen by magic. It takes time and tremendous effort in convincing the operators. We will keep on promoting our port energetically and proactively to continue bringing success to Gibraltar”.