Port of Huelva: Disclosing Huelva and the province as a cruise destination at Cruise Shipping Miami

Port of Huelva: Disclosing Huelva and the province as a cruise destination at Cruise Shipping Miami - Κεντρική Εικόνα


The Port Authority of Huelva has come together with the Provincial Tourism to the most important event in the world cruise industry the Seatrade Cruise Shipping Miami in the United States whose 30th edition was held from 10 to 13 March in Miami Beach Convention Center to promote the Port of Huelva such as port Discovery (Port of Cristopher Columbus) as well as all the tourist resources of the province as a cruise destination.

The Port Authority of Huelva and the Provincial Tourism Council of Huelva are present in this trade show in which representatives of the major shipping lines and cruise destinations worldwide to spread the attractions of Port Huelva and the city and province.

In fact Cruise Shipping Miami different cruise routes and overlooking two years closed annually in this case 2016.

The Port of Huelva has held meetings in this fair with representatives of the most important cruise companies in the world. These business meetings the Port Authority of Huelva and the Tourist Board have released more integrated supply emblematic of the province which have highlighted the excellent geographic position of the port of Huelva and attractions and competitive costs that the Port of Huelva offers shipping and services to meet the demand of cruise ships.

The president of the Port Authority of Huelva Manuela Paz has highlighted the importance of the Port of Huelva go to international events of this level which brings together the most representative of shipping the cruise industry internationally. The president of the Port of Huelva recalled that the result of work already done promotional visit scheduled 2015 arrival to Huelva five cruise vessels.

For his part President of the Provincial Tourism Ignacio Caraballo stressed the “enormous interest” with both entities in promoting the Port of Huelva and tourist destination of the province together so that “seize the excellent opportunity offered by this show to introduce a full range of port and destination”. Caraballo explained that Huelva has been shown to the leading shipping companies and cruise sector operators worldwide as a new destination that has “a lot to offer from excellent port infrastructure to quality services and unique attractions”.

The history of the Port of Huelva is linked to the discovery of America. Its proximity to the monastery of La Rabida and recreation of the ships in which Christopher Columbus set out to discover the new world testify to this.

The export of copper and metal mines in the province especially Rio Tinto was also given the trajectory of the Port of Huelva. Proof of this is the loading of ore Rio Tinto and the great British heritage that remains in the city of Huelva and the Columbus House Queen Victoria neighborhood or English cemetery. The environmental wealth of the province is another of its attractions. The Port of Huelva is located next to the Odiel Marshes Nature Reserve a biosphere reserve. A vestige of this nature add Doñana Park and Natural Park Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche and over 120 kilometers of unspoilt beaches.

The South Docks located in the outer harbor and Levante in the city center are prepared for the arrival of cruise ships. Especially South Dock in the entrance channel to the Port has been designed to accommodate cruise traffic. In the same Naviera Armas ferry operates.